A Fashion Designer with Breast Cancer

A Fashion Designer With Breast Cancer

Oct 4, 2022 Written By April Hendrix-Buckle

Hello! I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on Tuesday 9/20/2022 at 4:28pm. WOW! this is a lot to take in. I went for a routine mammogram back in February 2022, a week later I would get a letter in the mail saying “Dear April Hendrix-Buckle, we saw abnormalities within your mammogram of the right breast and will need to schedule a follow up appointment as soon as possible”. I was schedule to come back 2 weeks later for images of my right breast. After having my tits compressed, yet again, in the paddle X-Ray machine, the doctor said to me “well it looks like you have some scattered calcification in right breast…lets wait 6 months for another image to see if it changes in shape and texture, I’m pretty sure its nothing”. on August 30, 2022 I finally went back for another smashing of the right tit, this time was different. The technician exam my poor boob for what felt a long time, I could read her puzzled face, but she kept a smile ensuring me that everything is OK. I was told that I needed to wait a little while longer because they needed to take an Ultrasound. Finally after being there for what seemed 2.5 hours, the doctor came into the exam room and said “I have good news and bad news”, the good news was that there’s no visible mass that can be seen, the bad news is there is an architectural distortion that was spotted on the US”. What the hell does that mean? The doctor tried her best to explain, but it went through one ear to the other…So I googled and youtube my ass off.

My doctor called me to make sure that I knew and understood what was going on and because of this finding I will need a biopsy. After coming back from my family reunion in Oklahoma, I prepared for this procedure on 9/13/2022. My right boob got smushed again and the long needle went in to take the sample. It was a long agonizing week. My doctor called me on 9/20/2022 at 4:28pm, it was on a Tuesday, I picked up the phone and said Hello Dr. McCready, she replied back kind words then said…you tested positive for CANCER…I didn’t hear her words clearly, I just kept talking saying “whew! glad everything is ok”, she paused and asked if I had any concerns or questions? I said “wait! what did you just say”, she said again…You have cancer! Then silence…….I repeated her words with a question…I have Cancer? Yes…It’s called DCIS Ductal Carcinoma In-situ stage 2..Do you have questions? How did this happen? She said…could’ve been many factors, but a navigator nurse from the Breast Center will call tomorrow with more information and feel free to ask her as many questions. After hanging up, I called hubby and sobbed like hell. Tomorrow came, my navigator nurse was so soft, kind and gentle…she told me that in addition to having DCIS that I also have IDC Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and it was triggered by Estrogen receptors with mine was 91 - 100%. I cried. She immediately scheduled me to consult with a Breast Surgeon, the to have a MRI of both breast.

Hubby and I met with the breast surgeon, he explained to us my results and treatment. But didn’t want to confirm anything until the reports from my MRI came back and after I have met with my Oncologist. MRI report came back…luckily the cancer did not spread to my left breast nor could they see if it spread to my lymph node, it did invaded the lymphovascular of the tumor. I was told my tumor is the size of a nickel. We finally met with my Oncologist, which is phenomenal about her profession. She sat us down, went in depth about my cancer, examined me and setup a PET SCAN. She gave me resources and information about Breast Cancer and Treatments.

I will keep you updated on my upcoming scan and treatment. I had to tell my story…when I heard of this news, I felt numb, sad, confused, worried, thought about my family, friends, business…my brain was cluttered, my google search was cluttered, my youtube search was cluttered. I am angry, but I am human dammit and I am allowed to express emotion! Although my smiling face hides my true feeling, I shall know that this will pass and that with all the technology we have I know I will be fine.

April Hendrix-Buckle


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